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A Study on the Key Figures of the Physical Education Development of Young Children in Taiwan (1945-2020)




This study used the historical research method and the interview method to explore the key figures in the development of Taiwanese physical education of young children. The figures were Qiu Jinsong, Eizo Mizutani, Wang Jianci and Akira Maehashi. The study included their published works on physical education of young children as well as their practice, influence and contribution on promoting physical education of young children in Taiwan. The research conclusions were as follows: 1. Qiu Jinsong started the research on physical education of young children in Taiwan in 1969 and guided the master theses and doctoral dissertations of physical education of young children. Because he was well acquainted with Eizo Mizutani, Wang Jianci and Akira Maehashi, he assisted them to promote physical education of young children activities. He positions himself as an academic researcher, helper and promoter. He promoted physical education of young children in Taiwan all the time. 2. Mizutani Eizo, invited by the Chinese YMCA to Taiwan many times in 1971, introduced the practice and experience or Japanese physical education of young children to Taiwan. He valued the teaching materials and methods physical education of young children and promoted interactive physical education of young children between Taiwan and Japan. 3. Wang Jianci, acquainted with Eizo Mizutani in 1972, promoted physical education of young children. He cultivated physical education of young children talents in Fu Jen Catholic University. He held physical education of young children competitions and activities. He also popularized physical education of young children concepts and practices in the education and industrial circles. 4. Akira Maehashi, worked as a visiting professor at the National Sports University for a year in 2015. He studied the lifestyle of physical education of young children and advocated that children must lead a regular life, have a good daily schedule and be engaged in more sports. He introduced the instructor license system of the Japan physical education of young children Association, facilitated Taiwan's participation in the Asian physical education of young children Association in 2005 and the International physical education of young children Association in 2018. In a word, he improved Taiwan's physical education of young children in line with international standards.


《2017 年早稻田大學與台東大學第一屆學術研討會發表抄錄集》,東京:早稻田大學,2017.06。
《2018 年台東大學與早稻田大學第二屆學術研討會會議手冊》,臺東:國立臺東大學,2018.03。
《亞洲幼兒體育學會第 14 屆大會手冊》(東京:亞洲幼兒體育學會,2018.08),2。
Akira Maehashi (前橋明), “The International Society of Physical Education of Young Children (IPEC),” The International Journal of Physical Education of Young Children, 1.1 (Tokyo, Aug 2018 ): 1-10.
