  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Baby and his Family with Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis Undergoing Tracheotomy




Pediatric nursing emphasizes family-centered, and at the same time pays attention to the needs of patients and family members. This article is about caring for a baby with bilateral vocal cord paralysis after tracheotomy and his family nursing experience. The nursing period is from November 28 to December 14, 2019. The author assesses the case and family members on four levels: physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. Nursing problems include: acute pain, respiratory tract clearance failure, and the role of caregiver Tension, changes in the process of family operations. Acute pain: use the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale to evaluate, collect nursing, analgesics, and non-medicinal pain relief measures, such as pacifiers, holding nursing, etc., to reduce pain; airway clearance function Failure problem: monitor vital signs, adjust the use of respirators and warmers to increase gas exchange function and eliminate sputum to promote smooth airway; the role of caregivers is tense: use empathy skills to establish relationships, teach individually, provide flexible visit time, Adopting progressive teaching and replying to teaching to improve care ability and confidence; family operation process change issues: assess family members' role functions and economic situation, and complete preparations for discharge through discussions and plans with family members to ease the burden of main caregivers. Take this nursing experience to remind nursing staff to pay attention to the overall care of babies and family members. It is recommended that nursing staff strengthen nursing guidance, design a quiet and comfortable private environment with a healing atmosphere, encourage family members to express their feelings, learn care skills, and implement discharge plans. Painting and home care tracking to achieve continuous and holistic care.


Lee, C. C., Su, B. H., Lin, H. C., Tsai, Y. C., Lin, C. D., & Lin, T. W. (2004). Outcome of vocal cord paralysis in infants. Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica, 45(5), 278-281.
