  • 期刊


Analysis on Time and Angle of the International and Domestic Woman's Weightlifters Snatch


目的:本研究目的為分析國內外賽事女子舉重各量級前三名選手抓舉動作各階段時間與髖、膝、踝關節角度之差異。方法:透過賽事影片擷取國際賽女子舉重選手21位(平均年齡23.62±2.63歲)與國內賽女子舉重選手21位(平均年齡22.90±4.78歲),共42段完整影像,以Quintic Biomechanics v.26動作分析軟體量化選手抓舉動作各階段時間點,包括提鈴、引膝、發力、接槓與站立,同時分析各階段時間點瞬間之髖、膝與踝關節角度。以獨立樣本t檢定考驗國際選手與國內選手的差異,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:國際賽選手在提鈴(0.48±0.16秒vs. 0.87±0.20秒,p<.05)、引膝(0.15±0.30秒vs. 0.22±0.04秒,p<.05)、接槓(0.40±0.18秒vs. 0.65±0.11秒,p<.05)、站立(1.37±0.42秒vs. 1.78±0.44秒,p<.05)時間明顯較國內賽選手快。關節角度方面,國際選手在引膝與接槓階段髖關節角度顯著小於國內選手(p<.05);膝關節角度於預備姿勢國際賽選手顯著大於國內賽選手,而接槓階段國際賽選手則顯著小於國內賽選手;踝關節角度於預備姿勢與接槓階段,國際賽選手顯著大於國內賽選手。結論:國際賽選手抓舉時間與下肢關節角度變化皆優於國內賽選手。國內賽選手應提升動作速度、下肢關節延展與連貫性,以及提高力量素質,以利縮短抓舉動作時間。


舉重賽事 比較分析 試舉


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the snatch difference between each time phase and hip, knee and ankle joint angle for the international and domestic top three women weightlifter. Methods: A total of 42 snatch films were obtained from weightlifting competition. The sample of this study was 21 international lifters (average age: 23.62 ± 2.63 years old) and 21 domestic lifters (average age: 22.90 ± 4.78 years old). The Quintic Biomechanics v.26 was used to quantify the snatch of each time phase, including the first pull, the transition, the second pull, the catch phase and the recovery, same time analysis of hip, knee, and ankle joint angle. Independent sample t test to test the difference of international players and domestic players, the significant level set at α = .05. Results: The international lifters snatch times were faster than domestic lifters in the first pulls (0.48 ± 0.16 sec vs. 0.87 ± 0.20 sec, p < .05), the transition (0.15 ± 0.30 sec vs. 0.22 ± 0.04 sec, p < .05), the catch (0.40 ± 0.18 sec vs. 0.65 ± 0.11 sec, p < .05) and the recovery phase (1.37 ± 0.42 sec vs. 1.78 ± 0.44 sec, p < .05). On the other hand, the hip angle of international lifters was less than the domestic lifters in transition and catch phase (p < .05). The knee angles of international lifters were significantly larger than the domestic lifters in the initial position, but were less than the domestic lifters in the second pull. The ankle angles of international lifters were significantly larger than the domestic lifters in the initial position and catch phase. Conclusion: The snatch time and acceleration of international lifters were better than domestic lifters. The domestic lifters should strengthen the strength and speed training to shorten the snatch time.


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