  • 期刊

A Qualitative Study of Martial Artists' Mental Training and Interpretation of Qi



Introduction: Early sports psychologists frequently use Asian martial artists' mental training to explain how psychological skills enhance athletic performance. However, very few studies examined how martial artists practice mental training and its meaning to contemporary sport psychology. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the contents of martial artists' mental training and its psychological implications. Methods: This study utilized a qualitative approach, using semi-structured interview techniques and an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Nine martial artists (six males, three females) were purposefully selected for their experience in practicing and coaching martial arts for more than 12 years to explore their experience of mental training and perception of Qi. Results: We found martial artists executed meditation, self-talk, and imagery in their mental training, and they also have a unique philosophy to guide their thoughts and physical training. Practicing these mental training could perceive many effects, including leading them into a fully concentrated state, well-prepared, relaxed, spiritually inspired, happy, and healthy. Furthermore, the interpretation of mental training focused on the concept of Qi, and they also perceived psychological and physiological energy through Qi. Conclusion: Martial artists perceived many effects through their mental training, specifically focus on "cultivating Qi," which could gain psychological and physical energy. We also suggest that future studies should deeply explore the relationship between Qi and mental energy by both qualitative and quantitative methods.


緒論:早期運動心理學者通常用東方武術家的心智訓練來解釋心理技能如何增進運動員的表現,然而對於武術家之心智訓練及其心理層面意義之探討文獻則較少。目的:本研究目的在於探討武術家的心智訓練及對於氣之詮釋。方法:本研究針對9位擔任武術教練經驗超過12年以上之武術家(6男3女)採用半結構式訪談法資料蒐集,並以錄音筆錄音後登錄為逐字稿。各受訪者之訪談時間介於45-90分鐘之間,訪談資料以內容分析法加以歸納,並以詮釋現象學之分析方法(interpretative phenomenological analysis, IPA)形成各面向之概念。結果:本研究發現武術家採用冥想、自我對話、意象等方式訓練其心智,且有其獨特的哲學引導其思想及訓練。武術家們相信這些心智訓練能帶給他們進入全然專注、準備妥善、完全放鬆、心靈啟發、感到快樂,以及身心健康之狀態。而武術家透過其心智訓練則聚焦於對「氣」的概念,並有對其之詮釋並感知到心理及生理能量。結論:武術家採用其心智訓練策略以增進表現,且專注於練氣,並可感知到氣在身上的循環,亦透過氣以獲得更多能量。對於武術家所採用的心智訓練策略或許能應用於運動員增進運動表現,因此未來應可透過量化及質性研究,進一步探討運動員對於氣與心理能量的詮釋亦可再深入檢驗。


氣功 心理訓練 能量


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