  • 期刊


A Textual Study of Confucius' "To be Employed by Rulers"




孔子 應聘諸侯 說苑


"聘 (pin)" means "to be appointed." It was originally an important diplomatic etiquette for a feudal baron (ruler) to contact and interact with emperor or other feudal barons. The meanings of "To be employed," "to be appointed," and "traveling around the countries for rulers' employment" are much the same. "To be employed" means: accepting appointment or accepting employment. "應聘" (ying-pin) can be explained as "to be employed." It's explained as "to be appointed" first appear in Shuo yuan. Does it have any special meaning? Hsuan Cheng provided explanatory notes on "Liji - The record on example" where there is the phrase "To be employed by rulers." Hsuan Cheng mentioned "To be employed by rulers" in the Dunhuang manuscripts of "The Classic of Filial Piety - Introduction." Hsuan Cheng mentioned "Travelling around the country for employment" in the Turpan Tang Dynasty manuscripts of "Annotations of The Classic of Filial Piety - Introduction." Ju-yi Bai also discussed Confucius' "Waiting for employment and travelling around 70 countries" in the "Balancing the Three Religions." "To be employed" is mentioned 715 times in electronic version of "Imperial Collection of Four." The phrase "Seeking for employment by travelling around countries" is not mentioned. However, "To be employed by rulers" and "Traveling around the countries for rulers' employment" is mentioned. Only nine of them are irrelevant to "Confucius." These terms should be the expression of the same meaning. This study intends to clarify these questions, and ask for scholarly commentaries from experts.
