  • 期刊


Conceptual Design of a Multi-Function Cell Phone for Persons with Blindness-"e-Q"




This study described a conceptual design for developing a multi-function cell phone for persons with blindness. The cell phone was considered as assistive technology that matches user's ability and needs, and supports the accomplishment of daily activities. The ”e-Q” was named for blind accessible cell phone. As well, haptic, auditory, and low physical effort-oriented principles were embedded in the conceptual design. Methods: Three steps were introduced to construct the ”e-Q”, including user requirements analysis, conceptual design, and prototype design. There were three totally blind persons participated in a semi-structure interview for user requirements analysis. Results: Two features of the ”e-Q” were identified-physical features and specific function features. For the physical features, haptic metaphor of press-button was designed to match haptic-oriented principle. For the specific function features, voice recognition and navigation were designed to match auditory-oriented principle, and both five hotkeys and two induction sensors were designed to match low physical effort principle. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the ”e-Q” is both user-centered requirement and feasibility technology to develop a blind accessible cell phone.
