  • 期刊


Competency Assessment Tools for Occupational Therapy Postgraduate Year Training in Taiwan: Perspectives of Faculty and Trainees


目的:一、調查台灣職能治療臨床教學評量工具現況、二、調查教學評量選用之時機點、三、調查教師及學員、領域對教學評量滿意度之影響。方法:本研究用問卷調查法,以教學醫院職能治療教師及學員為對象。問卷包括受訪者基本資料、使用狀況、使用時機點、及滿意度,前三部分為單選題,滿意度採五點量尺。問卷經由電子郵件和信件寄發受訪者。以有效問卷數及百分比呈現資料,並以卡方檢定及t檢定檢定組間差 。結果:回收85份教師及41份學員問卷。臨床最常用教學評量為學習護照、Mini-CEX,及筆試。訓練前最常用筆試、口試,及學習護照;訓練階段最常用學習護照、Mini-CEX、及病歷紀錄審核;完訓階段最常用筆試、學習護照、及Mini-CEX。生理/兒童領域最常用Mini-CEX、學習護照及筆試。心理領域最常用學習護照、筆試及Mini-CEX、病歷紀錄審核;相較於生理/兒童領域,有較高比例之心理領域學員及教師使用口試、病歷紀錄審核、及非標準化直接觀察,較少用DOPS。教師與學員、不同領域參與者對教學評量工具滿意度高,滿意度皆在65%以上,學員的滿意度顯著高於教師。結論:職能治療臨床使用多元教學評量方式,最常用學習護照、Mini-CEX及筆試,且因應不同學習階段選用評量工具;教師與學員、不同領域參與者對於臨床教學評量滿意度高。


Objective: This survey was aimed to (1) investigate the competency assessment tools used for the occupational therapy (OT) postgraduate year (PGY) training in Taiwan, (2) investigate the time of using competency assessment, and (3) study level of satisfaction with the assessment tools in clinical teachers and trainees of the OT PGY training in Taiwan. Methods: A survey was distributed to clinical teachers and trainees in Taiwan's OT PGY training programs from 2017 to 2018. The survey included sociodemographic information of the participants (12 items), use of competency assessment (24 items), time of using competency assessment (12 items), and satisfaction with the assessment tools (8 items). Use and timing of competency assessment were rated with yes or no, and satisfaction with the assessment tools was rated with a 5-point Likert scale. Results: A total of 85 clinical teachers and 41 trainees participated the survey. The most frequently used competency assessment tools were portfolio, written examination, and the Mini-CEX. The most frequently used competency assessment tools before the PGY training were written examination, oral test, and portfolio. The most frequently used competency tools during the training stages were portfolio, Mini-CEX, and chart review. The most frequently used competency assessment tools at the completion stage were written examination, portfolio, and Mini-CEX. Teachers and trainees were highly satisfied with the assessment tools. Rates of dissatisfaction and extreme dissatisfaction were below 5% for both the teachers and trainees. The level of satisfaction with the assessment tools was significantly higher in the trainees than in the teachers. Conclusion: Multiple assessment tools have been included in the OT PGY training in Taiwan. Both teachers and trainees report high satisfaction with the competency assessment tools.
