  • 期刊


A Study of the Justified Civil Exam Plots in the Vernacular Novel Yuanyang Zhen and Rulin Waishi




This paper compares the plot of two vernacular novels, Yuanyang Zhen and Rulin Waishi. These two novels are similar in depicting the scholars who attending the civil examination, know as keju. Nevertheless, the theme of Yuanyang Zhen written nearly a century earlier is to criticize the unlawful behaviors including cheating and bribing in the examination, known as zuobi, in the LateMing dynasty, but that of RulinWaishi ismainly criticizing the policy of encouraging contributing to the government funds to secure certain social status, known as juanna starting in the Kangxi & Yongzheng periods of the early Qing dynasty. As a result, Rulin Waishi inherited the spirit of criticism on keju system, it created new plots focusing on the governmental juanna policy of the Qing rather than zuobi which was strictly forbidden. In other words, Rulin Waishi attracted readers of the Qing reign for centuries by criticizing the juanna system as early as at its beginning period.


(清)《世祖章皇帝實錄》(北京:中華書局,1986-7 年)。
(清)華陽散人:《鴛鴦鍼》(上海:上海古籍出版社,1990 年,《古本小說集成》影印清初拾珥樓本)。
(清)顧炎武:《日知錄集釋》(臺北:世界書局,1962 年)。
