  • 期刊


Contemporary Mystery Writing and Re-enchantment of Eros: The Study of Reception and Transformation of Hao Yu Hsiang's Youming Wuyu to Liaozhai Zhiyi




This article takes Hao Yu Hsiang's "Youming Wuyu" (The Stories of Nether) as the object of discussion, and this fiction's modern erotic writing as the core of the discussion, whether to see "Youming Wuyu" continued its erotic subject or not. Secondly, this article will pays attention to the reception and transformation of "Youming Wuyu" to "Liaozhai Zhiyi" (Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio), and "Youming Wuyu" how to use the content of Chinese classic mystery fiction conforms to correlate with the erotic topics in modern society, and why ghosts become the "daimonic" to modern people's Eros. The Eros and predicaments in modern society can be echoed by the content of classical mystery novels. While paying attention to the mysterious plots in "YoumingWuyu", the "Dark Road" that people and ghosts are in contact with is the method of desires, observing the awakening process of the characters in the novel, and perceiving the inner desires represented by ghosts. Therefore, whether the introduction of ghosts can become a "re enchantment" means against the modernity of "disenchantment", to understand the mystery writing of "Youming Wuyu" is not only a return to the tradition, but also a continuation of its existence of the subject of desire, and contending with the rational thinking of modern society. Through this way, people can establish self-subjectivity through the process of inner awakening, which is the metaphor of the modern life of the ghost narrative in "Youming Wuyu".


余國藩:〈「安息罷,安息罷,受擾的靈!」:中國傳統小說裏的鬼〉,《中外文學》第 17 卷第 4 期(1988 年 9 月),頁 4-36。(DOI:10.6637/CWLQ.1988.17(4).4-36)
(晉)陶潛著,汪紹楹校注:《搜神後記》(臺北:木鐸出版社,1985 年,與(晉)干寶《搜神記》合刊)。
(南朝梁)吳均:《續齊諧記》(臺北:新興書局,1988 年,《筆記小說大觀》三編)。
(清)蒲松齡著,張友鶴輯校:《聊齋誌異會校會注會評本》(臺北:里仁書局,1991 年)。
Carl C. Jung 編,龔卓軍譯:《人及其象徵:榮格思想精華的總結》(臺北:立緒文化出版社,1999 年)。
