  • 期刊


Towards the Existence of the Being of the Others-the Interpretation of Guo Xiang's Commentary of Zhuangzi from the Postmodern Philosophy




郭象 自生 性分 獨化 他者


Through criticism of contemporary scholars on Guo Xiang's commentary of Zhuangzi, this article aims to reflect on the possibility to apply Guo Xing's theory of Essentialism or Ontology. To use the words "tzu sheng" to explain the words "natural" is not based on an external and objective principle nor internal and subjective consciousness. "Tzu Sheng" is referred as the differences between every defined subjects, in the everyday world, it becomes a continuously changing relationship through the interaction with each other. Guo Xiang claims that every beings has very distinctive differences called "Xing feng" by its nature, however this very distinction between every beings becomes the limitation of every existence which can not be identical with the others. Only through the cultivation in the practice of "Du Hua into the Hsuan Ming", which refers to willingly throw into the present beings and flow of Being, every being of "Xing Feng", then can be fully realized to perfection in order to create the harmony world.


Guo Xiang Tzu Sheng Xing Feng Du Hua the Others


廖明活〈莊子、郭象與支遁之逍遙觀試析〉,《鵝湖月刊》第 9 卷第 5 期(1983 年 11 月),頁 8-13。(DOI:10.29652/LM.198311.0004)
(魏)王弼等著:《老子四種》(臺北:大安出版社,2003 年 8 月)。
(南朝宋)劉義慶撰,(南朝梁)劉孝標注,余嘉錫箋疏:《世說新語箋疏》(上海:上海古籍出版社,1993 年 12 月)。
(清)郭慶藩輯:《莊子集釋》(臺北:華正書局,1985 年 8 月)。
王淮:《郭象之莊學》(新北:印刻文學生活雜誌出版,2011 年 10 月)。
