  • 期刊


Three Phrases on Yáng Bó-jùn's "the Note of Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan" - Based on the Reign of Lŭ Chéng Gōng in Zuo Zhuan


本文以《左傳》魯成公時期(590 B.C.-573 B.C.)為範圍,討論楊伯峻《春秋左傳注》三則有待商榷之注釋。一、「置」、「寘」有別:歷代經師與楊氏咸謂「寘」之音義與「置」同,然經本文分析《左傳》二字用法實有區別,未可混同視之。二、「晉可以逞」之「逞」釋義:《左傳》之「逞」《集解》已見訓為「解」之例,乃因「逞」與「呈」通而《廣雅》釋「呈」為「解」。《廣雅》又見「紓」有「解」義,而《左傳》載「紓」與「難」、「憂」關涉。「逞」既與「紓」皆有「解」義,《左傳》又見「逞」、「難」關聯之例,則此「逞」可讀為「呈」而訓為「解」,意即解除晉國之憂。三、「不可以再辱國君」釋義:楊氏謂晉、楚鄢陵之役,晉大夫呂錡已傷楚共王之目,故「不可以再辱國君」是呂錡與韓厥二人分別有辱國君。《左傳》尚見「再罪」、「再奸王命」、「再奸」、「再敗」之例,或干犯禁令、或大敗師旅,皆同一人所為二事。依此文例,則「不可以再辱國君」當是韓厥一人二次有辱國君,不取楊氏之見。


This article takes the reign of Lŭ Chéng Gōng (590 B.C. - 573 B.C.) in Zuo Zhuan as the scope, and discusses the four notes of Yáng Bó-jùn's "The Note of Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan" that need to be discussed more. 1. The difference between "置(Zhì)" and "寘 (Zhì)" - Classics of previous dynasties and Yáng all said that the pronunciation and meaning of these two words are the same. However, according to the analysis of this article in Zuo Zhuan, the usages of these two words are actually different. 2. Interpretation of the word "逞(chĕng)" in the phrase "Jìn kĕ yĭ chĕng": The word "逞 (chĕng)" in Zuo Zhuan is interpreted as to solve in the classics "Jí Jiĕ". The words "逞 (chĕng)" and "呈(chéng)" are interchangeable, and the meaning of these two words are also interpreted as to solve in the classics "Guăng Yă". Moreover, the word "shū" is also interpreted as to solve in "Guăng Yă". The meaning of the words "shū", "nán" and "yōu" are also interchangeable in Zuo Zhuan. The words "逞(chĕng)" and "shū" both have the meaning as to solve. Besides, "逞(chĕng)" and "nán" are interchangeable in Zuo Zhuan; therefore, "逞(chĕng)" could be read as "呈(chéng)" and the meaning is to solve the problem. For this reason, the meaning of "Jìn kĕ yĭ chĕng" is to solve the problem so that Jìn State could be stable without threats of other States. 3. The interpretation of "bù kĕyĭ zài rŭ guó jūn": Yáng said there was a battle between Jìn State and Chŭ State at the place Yānlíng. At that time, "Lŭ Qí" (the high rank official of Jìn State) had shot and hurt the eye of Chŭ Gòng Wáng. The meaning of the phrase "bù kĕyĭ zài rŭ guó jūn" is that the monarch must not be insulted again. In this case, both "Lŭ Qí" and "Hán Jué" insulted the monarch respectively. There are six phrases "zài zuì", "zài jiān wáng mìng", "zài jiān", "zài bài", "gān fàn jìn ling", and "dà bài shī lü" in Zuo Zhuan. The meaning of those phrases above is two different affairs are made by the same person. According to this rule, "bù kĕyĭ zài rŭ guó jūn" is regarded as "Hán Jué" who insulted the monarch twice.


(秦)呂不韋編,陳奇猷校釋:《呂氏春秋校釋》(臺北:華正書局,1998 年,清畢沅《呂氏春秋校正》排印校釋本)。
(漢)毛亨傳,(漢)鄭玄注,(唐)孔穎達正義:《毛詩注疏》(臺北:藝文印書館,1993 年,清嘉慶二十年江西南昌府學版影印本)。
(漢)司馬遷著,(南朝宋)裴駰集解,(唐)司馬貞索引,(唐)張守節正義,(日本)瀧川龜太郎考證:《史記會注考證》(高雄:復文圖書出版社,1991 年)。
