  • 期刊


"The Narrative of the Dead" in Yan Lianke's Novels and Its Significance




"The narrative of the dead" can not only show the writer's broad imagination but also make the expression of creation freer. I searched a wide range of Yan Lianke's medium-length works, getting seven pieces of related work. First of all, I will use "Heng Huo 橫活" to explain that it follows the narrative of classical "storytellers" to agree with the theme and the background of the novel. The addition of "the narrative of the dead" shows Yan's high interest in stylistic experiments and his attempt of creation in the early stage. Secondly, I will use "Xunzhao tudi 尋找土地," "Heping shang 和平殤" and "Zai beping de rizi li 在和平的日子裡" to analyze how Yan expresses his demands and chooses the narrators according to the inner structure and emotion, and thus solves the narrative problem of oversized space span in war novels. Finally, I will explain how Yan designs peasant ghosts to reflect the struggles for survival of the folk people in "Niaohai dansheng 鳥孩誕生," "Xingse congmang 行色匆忙" and "Tiangong tu 天宮圖." The use of "the narrative of the dead" actually symbolizes the value connotation and cultural reflection of Yan Lianke's call for common people's feelings and deconstruction of the main melody, and it also reflects the social problems through inter-temporal dialogue and reconstructs the historical landscape.


孔範今、施戰軍主編,路曉冰編選:《莫言研究資料》(濟南:山東文藝出版社,2006 年)。
林源編選,中國人民大學文學院組編:《說閻連科》(瀋陽:遼寧人民出版社,2014 年)。
莫言:《紅耳朵》(臺北:麥田出版,1998 年)。
梁鴻編著:《閻連科文學年譜》(上海:復旦大學出版社,2015 年)。
楊義:《中國敘事學》(北京:人民出版社,1997 年)。
