  • 期刊


The Interplay between Examination Essays in the Southern Song and Classical Proses on "Argumentation" in Pingdian (Marginalia): Liu Zongyuan's On Feudalism and Xu Lin's Tang Taizong's Political Idea




評點 論體 文法 時文 唐宋古文


The selection of talents based on political essays since the civil service examination in the mid-North Song Dynasty, some abuses gradually appeared. After Tang Geng proposed "using Tang-Song prose as the method", prose pingdian in the Southern Song Dynasty had promoted the interaction of Tang-Song prose and examination essay. First of all, this paper explores the "argumentation" in classic proses and examination essays, the writings gradually specialized and technical. Secondly, To analyze pros and cons of Liu Zongyuan's on feudalism, and how Xu Lin's Tang Taizong's political idea to learn it. Although the people of Song Dynasty criticized the viewpoint of Liu's article, they still praised it as worthy of study. Xu's some opinion was from Liu's article and learned the strengths of Tang-Song prose, but it reflected Cheng-Chu Neo-confucianism. Furthermore, thinking over the topic and forming a clear conception are the premise for the named composition of examination essays, laid out from this premise, and gradually form a set of procedures. This should be quite different between examination essay and classical prose. But they both used common terms of wenfa to show the structure and context of the article. The fusion of the two helps to logical precision. After the Song Dynasty, the books of prose pingdian continued to be published, and the dialectics of examination essay and classical prose were also debated. This topic should be continuously reseached in the history of classical prose.


(魏)曹丕:《典論》(北京:中華書局,1985 年)。
(梁)劉勰著,范文瀾注:《文心雕龍注》(臺北:學海出版社,1991 年)。
(梁)蕭統著,(唐)李善注:《文選》(臺北:藝文印書館,1989 年)。
(唐)柳宗元:《柳宗元集》(臺北:華正書局,1990 年)。
