  • 期刊


The Similarities and Differences in Chang Tsai, Luo Qin-shun and Dai Zhens' Ritualism of Qi Theory




氣學 羅欽順 張載 戴震


Academics are hard to reach a consensus on Luo Qin-shun's theory is a part of Neo-Confucianism, or a part of Qi theory. This research will discover the consistent context in his Qi theory of ritualism. Luo Qin-shun had distinguished the "principle of ritual" and "ritual", and he had valued the principle more than the ritual. Therefore, Luo Qin-shun had paid more attention to the theories of self-cultivation, which were focused on how to return the principle of ritual. "Returning" is the same emphasis in Chang Tsai's philosophy, he had also distinguished the "ritual of Heaven and Earth" and "ritual", and human being should abandon desires to return pure and good nature. Dai Zhen - the most important philosopher of qi in Qing dynasty - who had placed greater emphasis on the thinking ability of heart, and paid more attention to expansion and developing of virtue. "Returning" and "developing" are different aspects between Luo Qin-shun and' Dai Zhens' ritualism, and it had characterized two different kinds of Qi theory.


Theory of Qi Ritualism Luo Qin-shun Chang Tsai Dai Zhen


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