  • 期刊


How to Produce Indigenous Yōkai: Imaging, Reconstructing and Reflecting on the Japanese Colonial History in Taiwan




Focusing on Xiaoxiang Shen's The Return of Kim-tshai (2018), this essay analyzes the process of how this fantasy-detective novel transforms yōkai into part of Taiwanese folklore culture. First, this essay explicates the question about why the Japanese colonial period becomes indispensable for producing yōkai. This question leads to the further investigation of how the past history responds to various issues in colonial and post-martial-law Taiwan and Taiwan's cultural subjectivity in relation to the world. Second, this essay based on previous discussion examines the author's ideas about writing fantasy-detective novels as a genre and his writing techniques of switching time and space to historicize and locate indigenous yōkai in Taiwan. The final part furthermore examines how this novel borrows Confucius philosophy and a way of "speaking" to create the ontology and breeding technology of Taiwanese yōkai.


邱貴芬:〈千禧作家與新台灣文學傳統〉,《中外文學》第 50 卷第 2 期(2021 年 6 月),頁 15-46。(DOI: 10.6637/CWLQ.202106_50(2).0002)
王聰威:《濱線女兒 —哈瑪星思戀起》(臺北:聯合文學出版社,2008年)。
甘耀明:《殺鬼》(臺北:寶瓶文化,2009 年)。
甘耀明:《成為真正的人》(臺北:寶瓶文化,2021 年)。
行人文化實驗室附屬妖怪研究室:《台灣妖怪研究室報告》(臺北:行人文化實驗室,2015 年)。
