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An Investigation into Zhaoling Zhishu of Wenyuange Siku Quanshu and Its Relevant Official Documents of Qing Dynasty




檔案纂修 史部 四庫全書 文淵閣 詔令


With the increases of digital humanities studies in recent years, more and more people are noticing the value of information contained in the context of documents, and this information is mostly implied in ways of selecting, arranging, modifying, adding and deleting materials in the process of data compilation, which reflect thoughts and ideas of decision makers. It not only reveals the power structure and values of contemporary societies, but also provides first-hand information for future research on the thinking logics of different ruling parties. For understanding the complication situations of official archives of the Qing Dynasty, in this study, the compilations of Zhaoling Zhishu (詔令之屬) of Wenyuange Siku Quanshu (文淵閣四庫全書) and relevant official documents compiled by the Qing government were investigated, with the focus on not only the historical development, but also the content scope, formulation date, and editing method of each volume. It is expected that the results of this research could serve as a significant reference for future studies.


Archives Compilation Shibu Siku Quanshu Wenyuange Zhaoling


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