  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationship among Exercise Participation and Social Support of Rural Primary School Students


本研究目的在探討偏鄉學童運動參與程度與社會支持之關係研究。以442位南投縣偏鄉學童為研究對象進行問卷調查,並以鄭谷蘭(2012)所編製之社會支持量表為研究工具進行獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析及Pearson積差相關分析。本研究結果發現:偏鄉男學童在運動參與程度上平均數高於女學童(34.62>28.96),且達顯著水準(t=.427, p<.001)。偏鄉女學童在家人支持因素構面上平均數高於男學童(3.90>3.70),且達顯著水準(t=-2.38, p<.05)。不同社經地位之偏鄉學童在家人支持因素構面上達顯著差異(F=9.06, p<.001),經事後比較(Scheffe法)後得知:中社經地位者社會支持高於低社經地位者;高社經地位者社會支持高於低社經地位者。社會支持與運動參與程度之相關係數皆達顯著水準(p<.01),有顯著的正相關。因此,社會支持愈高則運動參與程度愈高,建議學校老師及學童家長多鼓勵與陪伴學童參與運動,以增進學童運動參與、培養規律運動習慣,促進其健康身體適能。


The purpose of this research was to study the relationship among exercise participation and social support of rural primary school students. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 442 students from the rural areas of Nantou County. The social support scale compiled by Ku- Lan Cheng (2012) was used as a research tool for independent sample t-test, analysis of variance and pearson correlation analysis. The results of this study found that the average number of male students in the rural areas was higher than that of female students (34.62>28.96), and reached a significant level (t=.427, p<.001). The average number of support factors for female students in the rural areas was higher than that of male students (3.90>3.70), and reached a significant level (t=-2.38, p<.05). The children of different social status in the rural areas had significant differences in family support factors (F=9.06, p<.001). After the after-the-fact comparison (Scheffe method), it was learned that the social support of the middle-level social status was higher than that of the low-level social status. Those with high social status have higher social support than those with low social status. The correlation coefficient between social support and exercise participation reached a significant level (p < .01) with a significant positive correlation. Therefore, the higher the social support, the higher the level of excerise participation. It was recommended that teachers and parents encouraged primary school students to participate in sports, cultivate regular exercise habits, and promoted their healthy and physical fitness.


章宏智、李佩樺(2007)。國小學童社會支持因素對運動價值觀之影響-以公館國小爲例。運動休閒餐旅研究,2(4),192 – 204。doi:10.29429/JSLHR.200712_2(4).10
兒童福利聯盟文教基金會(2018)。2018 年兒童運動現況調查報告。上網日期:2018年 10 月 8 日,取自:https://www.children.org.tw/research/detail/70/1350


