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A Study on the Traveling Meaning of Shu Guozhi's "Travel Alone in Hong Kong"




At the end of the last century, Travel Literature has become a trend, and it is a mainstream of the modern literature now. This study intend to analyzes "Travel Alone in Hong Kong " by Shu Guozhi, because it is era significance that this article has won the 1st prize of the 1st China Airlines Travel Literary Awards in 1997, not to mention Shu Guozhi observes Hong Kong is totally different from the cognition of traditional stereotypes, he didn't emphasize the importance of the shopping' paradise and the delicious foods. If you analyze from the rhetorical strategy, it's not hard to find that Shu Guozhi is not only writing the appearance of the "dual features" of Hong Kong, such as Guangdongized western style and paralleled China-foreign mode, but also intend to refind the meaning of traveling. In other words, it passed through the prosperous in Hong Kong that reflects the other side of loneliness and vicissitudes, which is the condition of traveling alone in life.
