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Teachers with Honesty and Kindness Enhance the Beauty in Every Student-Advantages and Disadvantages of A Non Profit Kindergarten




品質 非營利 幼兒園 信念 家長滿意度


Researches have shown that high quality kindergartens have a great influence on children's future education and life quality. Non-profit kindergartens are the result of three-in-one combination of organization, government and scholars, supported by the government, undertaken by non-profit organizations, and supervised by scholars, in an effort for affordability and high quality. Quantification of high quality can not only be improved through annual performance evaluation, but improves the visibility of kindergartens. The qualitative high quality lies with the good faith from the operation team, support for the concept from the parents, and the key factor of all, teachers who have everyday influences on the children. Only teachers with "truth" and "goodness" can produce a better education.


quality Non-profit kindergarten faith parent satisfaction


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Kagan,D.M.(1992).Implications of research on teacher belief.Educational Psychologist,27(1),65-90.
Pajares, M.F.(1992). Teacher's beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct.Review of education Research,62(3),307-332.
Pirsig, Robert M. Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance: an inquiry into values.New York,NY: Morrow. 1974. ISBN 0688002307. Cited by:Jones,D.R.Exploring quality:what Robert Pirsig's "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" can teach us about technical communication.IEEE transactions on professional communication(IEEE). September 1989,32(3):154-158.
