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The Development of Alternative Meat Industry Driven by the Trend of Net Zero Carbon Emissions, Research Progress and Future Challenges




人造肉 植物肉 肉類替代品


In the changing trend of global consumers' dietary habits, the importance of meat alternatives is increasing due to consumers' increasing awareness of the future environment and health in their diets, such as animal diseases, depletion of natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions. We introduced in detail the types, ingredients, processing technology, production efficiency, product characteristics and market conditions of artificial meat information, advantages, and challenges. We also analyzed the trends, nutrition, health and safety of artificial meat research. At present, the artificial meat products on the market are plant-based meat, using plant protein for processing to make the texture and taste similar to meat products. Proteins from different plant sources also make different contributions to plant-based meat. The application of techniques such as extruding gives plant-base meat different physical properties. Nowadays, plant-based meat is mainly sold in Western countries. As consumers' interest in this product is increasing day by day, Asian countries will also become potential markets in the future. In terms of the environment, plant-based meat is also conducive to reducing carbon emissions, energy consumption and land use. This sustainable development of future has high potential. plant-based meat is expected to promote the food market in the future.


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