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Exploring the Effects of ARCS Model for Military Ethics Course on Cadets' Learning Motivation


本行動研究目的在運用Keller ARCS動機模式理論於「軍事倫理學」課程中,以提升軍事院校學生的學習動機及學習成效。本研究以便利取樣選取空軍航空技術學院91位新生為研究對象,使用信度與效度良好的「學習動機量表」作為評量工具,並進一步蒐集教師省思札記、教學助理觀察記錄及學生訪談紀錄等質性資料。本研究以t檢定進行量化資料分析,以內容分析方式進行質性分析。在教學過程中,亦透過教學觀察與反思發現與解決教學問題,提升學生對軍事倫理學的學習動機。研究發現學生的學習動機顯著提升,顯示ARCS動機模式融入軍事倫理學有其可行性,且能提升教師課程設計與問題解決能力。本研究發現可以做為其他軍事學校在教授軍事倫理學之參考。


"Military ethics" is a common compulsory course for all military academies, but in the past it was mostly reduced to dogmatic ethics and preaching, and lacked connection with students' actual life experience, so that most students were not interested. This action research aims to use the ARCS motivation model theory that was proposed by Keller, and combines the current military ethics education environment and the researchers' past work experience in the "Military Ethics" course to effectively enhance the learning motivation of military college students. The ARCS model, proposed by Keller, can motivate and maintain students' learning motivation from four elements: attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction. The operation is divided into 4 stages. The first stage is "arouse students' attention and interest in one thing". To grab students' attention is the most important part in the beginning of the class. Then, the second stage is to let students feel that "the knowledge they have learned is directly related to them". This stage is to let students feel what they learn is valuable and related to themselves. The third stage is to make students feel "capable and confident to deal with it". In this third stage is to increase students' confidence and capability to deal with courses as well as things in daily life. The final stage is to let the students get the "sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after completion". In the final stage, through this ARCS model, is to make students accomplish and satisfy what they have done. ARCS has been widely used in different subject areas. The research objects include K-12 students, college students, technical school students, adults, etc. It has been proved that ARCS model is helpful in improving students' learning motivation, whether it is used in the Internet and computer-assisted teaching or teaching sites. The ARCS motivation model is not only verified in different disciplines and teaching situations, but also used in the implementation of ethical education. The results of the study show that students' learning motivation has been significantly improved, so this should be appropriate for this study to adopt the ARCS motivation model to operate military ethics courses. In this study, 91 freshmen from the Air Force Academy of Aeronautics and Technology were selected to facilitate sampling. The action study lasted 4 months. Data collection includes the use of the "Learning Motivation Scale" with good reliability and validity as an evaluation tool, and a t-test to test whether there are significant differences in students' learning motivation before and after the course. In addition, qualitative materials such as teachers' thinking notes, teaching assistants' teaching field observation records and student interviews are collected, and the research findings are refined through the principle of induction. In addition, in the teaching process, researchers continue to discover and solve teaching problems through teaching observation and reflection, in order to enhance students' motivation to learn military ethics. The study found that in terms of the "Attention" dimension, the researchers successfully attracted students' interest and stimulated their curiosity through pre-class reflective teaching activities and sharing of military experience. In terms of the "Relevant" dimension, the history of each service is divided into the main course of the curriculum, and current affairs, military news and student concerns are also integrated, effectively linking students' previous experience and improving familiarity. The "Confidence" mainly helps students to create positive expectations of success by scoring rules and encourages students to share personal work experience. The "Satisfaction" dimension is to create a situation where students can apply what they have learned so that students can show their strengths. In all dimensions, the scores of the ARCS Motivation Scale in the post-test are higher than those in the pre-test. This result shows that it is the feasibility to integrate ARCS motivation model into military ethics teaching. Moreover, through action research, researchers also enhance their ability in curriculum design and problem solving. The findings of this study can be used as a reference for teaching military ethics in other military schools. Finally, based on the results of this research, the following suggestions are made for the teaching scene: (1) The ARCS motivation model can be used as a model for teachers to stimulate and maintain students' learning motivation during the process of designing teaching plans and teaching implementation. (2) It is very important in the first five minutes when the class begins. It is recommended to grab the students' attention through pre-class thinking and draw their minds back to the topic which they want to discuss. As for keeping students engaged in the curriculum and avoiding lacking learning motivation due to repeated operation of a single strategy, teachers must rely on curriculum needs from the students and teachers' teaching abilities for the courses. Besides, teachers need to adjust teaching materials and teaching strategies in a timely manner according to the students' learning background. (3) The grading rules (Rubrics) allow students to know the grading standards and the scope of each level in advance, and can also use this allow students to understand their own advantages and disadvantages in learning and directions for improvement. Therefore, when teachers understand the learning situation of students at each stage through tests or homework, teachers should feedback the results to students in a timely manner to stimulate students' effort in the next unit. (4) If military ethics can be combined with the analysis of model war history, military history museums or visiting on the battlefield sites, it can effectively enhance learning motivation and extend learning to the time after the course. (5) Most of the research support that the level of learning motivation will affect the activeness of learning behavior. It is recommended that other researchers can conduct longitudinal research to explore the effects of ARCS mode on students during class, reviewing after class, writing homework, preparing for exams, and asking for advice Questions and other subject-related differences in actual performance.


ARCS model action research Military Ethics


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