  • 期刊


The Study of Applying ARIS Process Design Approach to Enhancing the Success of ERP System Launch-An Example of SMEs' GC Case Company


現今科技技術日益發展,使得企業越來越依賴資訊,為了增加公司的競爭能力,希望能藉由資訊科技的協助以最有效率的運作模式來獲取最大利益;有效的使用企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)已經成為企業的優勢,企業為了增加競爭優勢會購買現有的企業資源規劃(ERP)套裝軟體,進而整合各部門間的資源,使資訊能即時且正確的產生,但是現有的套裝軟體無法完全符合各企業流程;若企業原有的流程與ERP最佳實務間的一致性較高,則較容易導入,反之,勢必需要進行大幅的組織變革以及風險相當高的企業流程再造(BPR)。本研究以個案研究進而探討企業導入ERP的過程,並利用ARIS(Architecture of Integrated Information Systems)設計並建構企業流程,使個案公司作業流程與系統流程相符合,再依據ASAP導入法導入系統,同時執行需求分析與系統設計和建置,降低個案公司導入ERP的風險,並提升營運績效。


The development of the information technology is making progress nowadays. Companies must be able to compete in information technology. Using of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems effectively has become a key discriminator of competitive advantage for many small manufacturing enterprises (SMEs). Companies often buy current software package to integrate resources between departments, in order to make the information can produce immediately and correctly. But the existing package software is not fully compliant with all business processes. In this paper, using a case study about method research to launch ERP system firstly. Secondly, using architecture of integrated information systems (ARIS) designs business process. Finally, using accelerated SAP (ASAP) executes launching ERP system and reduces launching ERP system failed.
