  • 期刊


Research on the junior and senior high school handball team players verify the theory of planned behavior


本研究目的旨在瞭解國、高中手球選手參加手球運動代表隊競賽獲獎行為之差異研究,從計劃行為理論觀點切入瞭解選手參與手球運動之行為意圖及行為。以臺灣地區國、高中手球選手為對象,以自編問卷,採立意抽樣方式,共發出388份問卷,刪除20份無效問卷,收回368份,有效問卷率為94.85%,經SPSS 19.0版之AMOS統計分析,結論如下:一、國、高中手球選手之行為態度對行為意圖影響力最高,其次為主觀規範對行為意圖,最後為知覺行為控制對行為意圖。二、國、高中手球選手之行為態度、主觀知覺控制行為等表現愈好就有愈好的行為意圖表現。三、行為態度之工具性態度、情感性態度對於行為意圖之時間投入影響較多;主觀規範度之規範信念、依從動機對於行為意圖之時間投入影響較多;知覺行為控制之控制信念、便利性知覺對於行為意圖之時間投入影響較多。四、行為意圖之時間投入、校隊訓練對參與行為影響最高,其次為獲得前三名,最後為獲得四至八名。五、知覺控制行為對行為不具有影響效果。六、行為態度與主觀規範具有高度正向相關、主觀規範與知覺行為具有中度正向相關、行為態度與知覺行為控制具有中度正向相關。本研究結果將提供國內手球選手、教練及體育教育行政單位參考。


手球 校隊 時間投入 訓練 參與行為


The purpose of this research is to understand the differences in the behavior of junior and senior high school handball players to participate in handball team competitions and to understand the behavioral intentions and behaviors of players participating in handball from the perspective of planned behavior theory. For handball players of junior and senior high schools from Taiwan, 388 questionnaires were sent out, and 20 invalid questionnaires were deleted. The effective questionnaire rate was 94.85%. The questionnaires were validated by SPSS version 19.0 of AMOS. According to statistical analysis, the conclusions are as follows: 1. Junior and Senior high school handball players' behavior and attitude have the most significant influence on behavior intention, followed by subjective norms on behavior intention, and finally, perceptual behavior control on behavior intention. 2. The better the performance of junior and senior high school handball players, such as attitudes, subjective norms, perceptual control behaviors, and the better behavioral intentions. 3. Instrumental attitudes and emotional attitudes of behavioral attitudes influence the time investment of behavioral purposes. Normative beliefs of subjective norms and compliant motivation affect the time investment of behavioral intentions. Control beliefs and convenience of perceptual behavior control perception influence the time investment of behavioral intention. 4. For the school team with behavioral intention, the training time investment has the highest impact on the participating behavior, followed by winning the top three and finally winning four to eight. 5. Perceptual behavior control does not influence behavior. 6. Behavior attitudes and subjective norms have a high degree of positive correlation, subjective norms and perceived behavior control have a moderately positive correlation, behavior attitudes and perceived behavior control have a moderately positive correlation. The results of this study will provide a reference for domestic handball players, coaches, and physical education administrative units.


