  • 期刊


以專題導向學習提高日語寫作後設認知與運用能力的可能性|Possibilities of Improving Meta-cognitive and Utilizing Ability of Japanese Writing by Project Based Learning




為培養學生的日語文章能力,養成高度的後設認知能力,本研究決定導入專題導向學習於中級日語寫作課程中。專題導向學習活動於在課程結束前一個月開始執行。主題設定為「為系上學弟妹推薦~」,請學生以小組合作的方式完成專題寫作。在實踐成果上,本研究檢證出專題導向學習在日語作文教學上確實可以有助學生日語文章寫作能力與後設認知能力的提升。特別是後設認知能力高的學生,能夠具有高度讀者意識,力求寫出清楚易懂的文章;但是後設認知能力低的學生則較不重視讀者意識,亦無法積極自我訂正文章。此外,本研究也發現團隊合作的品質會嚴重影響專題導向學習成果。如何有效地關注組員合作不佳的小組,提高他們執行自我調整學習動力,會是有意執行專題導向學習的教師們必須留意的重要課題。|In order to cultivate students' Japanese writing ability and develop a high degree of metacognitive ability, this study decided to use project-based learning in the intermediate Japanese writing course. Project- based learning activities was conducted in the last month of the semester. The theme is set to "To recommend something to juniors". Regarding the research results, this study verified that project-based learning in Japanese composition class can indeed help students improve their Japanese writing ability and metacognitive ability. In particular, students with high metacognitive ability can have a high degree of audience awareness and strive to write understandable compositions; however, students with low metacognitive ability pay less attention to audience awareness and cannot actively regulate their compositions. In addition, this study also found that the quality of teamwork can significantly affect the project-based learning outcomes. How to support people with weak teamwork and strengthen their motivation for self-regulation is an important issue in project-based learning.


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Nelson, T. O., & Narens, L. (1994) Why investigate metacognition? In J. Metcalfe & A. P. Shimamura (Eds.), Metacognition: Knowing about knowing pp.1-25. The MIT Press. http://www.imbs.uci.edu/~lnarens/1994/Nelson&Narens_Book%20Chapter_1994.pdf
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