  • 期刊


Penis Boy-Counseling with One Who Has Asperger's Syndrome




Chung is a third-grade boy who is diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. He has difficult with communication and suffers from emotional disturbances, such as be unable to make sense of emotion, be unable to interpret and react others emotion clues properly, even be too impulsive to manage his emotion. Whenever he is in bad mood, he would spit out and try to attack other schoolmates. Sometimes he even bursts out the classroom and climbs up the railing attempting suicide. Accordingly, a counseling system was started with a professional team. School administrators, home teacher, subject teachers and guidance teacher, all without exception, join the team. The principle with counseling background has held relationship-training group weekly. She also invited both psychology doctors and scholar experts to convene a case study conference and provide professional guidance. During over a year counseling, Chung has been getting better with parent-teacher collaboration.


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