  • 期刊


Binaural Advantages for Children with a Cochlear Implant and a Hearing Aid in Opposite Ears and Children with Bilateral Cochlear Implants that were Implanted Sequentially




The decision for bilaterally deafened children to transition from bimodal fitting (a cochlear implant (CI) in one ear and a hearing aid (HA) in the opposite ear) to bilateral cochlear implantation rests upon the binaural advantages that bimodal fitting and bilateral CI can each provide and their relative strengths. Three effects, head shadow, binaural summation and binaural squelch, are believed to underlie the binaural advantages. They are limited at three stages including (1) the hearing aids/CI technology, (2) damage to the auditory neural pathway following the peripheral severe-to-profound hearing impairment and (3) individual developmental characteristics of the deaf child. This review article delineated the bimodal/bilateral CI advantages measured at each of the three stages to see if children receiving bilateral CIs sequentially is likely to gain extra advantages over bimodal fitting. Analyses were based on the three effects measured from normal adults listening to acoustic simulations and bimodal/bilateral CI users who were either post-lingually deaf adults or pre-lingually deaf children. The results showed for both bimodal and bilateral CI users, the binaural advantages decreased as the stage advanced. Bilateral CIs in all three stages offered the largest and robust advantages mostly attributed to the head shadow effect obtained when the noise originated from the opposite side of the second CI. The bimodal advantages, by contrast, were inconsistent across stages and studies. A few studies reported large binaural summation that helped discriminate low frequency speech information but were only accessible to users with adequate residual hearing. In view of the profound losses prevalent among children currently using bimodal fitting, transitioning to bilateral implantation is more likely to maximize the binaural advantages they could enjoy. Factors related to binaural performance after the sequential implantation were also discussed.


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