  • 期刊


Design and Developmental Process of Children's Hakka Language Teaching Materials




This study explored design characteristics, research, development, and implementation suggestions for Hakka teaching material for children aged 4-6 years nationwide. The teaching material was developed using the design-based research method. During the preliminary design stage, we planned teaching materials under 5 topics and 10 scenarios and designed the assessment tools for these materials. Formative assessment was conducted by solving problems encountered in teaching material contexts, diagrams, cultural differences, and usage methods. Summative assessment of problems that may be encountered in the future was also performed, including teaching materials used in mixed-age-group students, the need to provide word cards as a teaching aid, the use of teaching strategies suggested in the materials, and improving the lack of manpower for assessment. Finally, this study proposed suggestions for researching and developing heritage language teaching materials, including forming a cross-domain team, respecting the language expressions of people in each region, providing clear illustrations that provide clues to the vocabulary's meaning, test teaching to assess teaching material, flexibly using the teaching material, preventing dominant position of assessment, and offering diverse assistive teaching materials.


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