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Compiling a List of Middle School Academic Vocabulary From Textbooks




Academic vocabulary is a crucial communication tool in academia. Academic vocabularies are supplementary vocabularies used to define technical terms. The same academic vocabulary might appear in various disciplines, but the frequency will vary. This study compiled an academic vocabulary list using textbooks from the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines for seven disciplines-mathematics, physics/ chemistry, biology, geoscience, geography, history, and civics. After segmenting the corpus, removing the fundamental terms, and filtering by indicators such as dispersions, we compiled a "Middle School Academic Vocabulary List" with 779 vocabulary words. The proportion of academic vocabulary occurring in each unit of mathematics was significantly different from that of other disciplines, despite considering cross-discipline features. The cluster analysis was derived from the following five categories: historical and citizen, biology and geography, natural science, and two groups reflecting a higher and lower proportion of occurrence units. Finally, the study examined the characteristics of academic vocabulary and reflected the construction procedure for an academic vocabulary list for middle school students. The study also gives suggestions for future research and teaching, as well as possible limits to the research.


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