  • 期刊

The Mediating Effects of Regulatory Focus on the Relationship between Passion and Job Satisfaction among Voluntary and Non-Voluntary Interpreters



This research verifies the difference between voluntary and non-voluntary interpreters in the mediating role of regulatory focus. This study applies Structural Equation Model (SEM) for the model verification. The analysis result shows that job satisfaction is improved in cases with interpreters with harmonious passion and these interpreters often adopt the promotion focus. The interpreters with obsessive passion are more likely to experience lower job satisfaction and these interpreters often adopt the prevention focus. Moreover, this study confirmed the difference in the mediating effect of regulatory focus between voluntary and non-voluntary interpreters.


在過去研究中,尚無法解釋為何在相同工作環境中的兩個高度熱情個體會產生不同程度的工作滿意度。因此,本研究將嘗試運用調節焦點理論,並擴展目前對於工作熱情的相關研究,以闡明在工作場域中,解說人員的工作熱情如何透過調節焦點方式,促進工作滿意度或降低工作滿意度。此外,亦將驗證解說志工與非志工中,在上述關係中所呈現的不同面貌。研究方法將以結構方程模型進行模式驗證。分析結果顯示,具諧和式熱情的解說人員,較常採用促進焦點方式,能有效的提升工作滿意度;而具強迫式熱情的解說人員,則較常採用預防焦點方式, 而導致降低工作滿意度。此外,解說志工與非志願解說人員更常傾向採用正向的調節焦點,進而提升工作滿意度。


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