  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Lipase Production by Bacillus subtilis OCR-4 in Solid State Fermentation Using Ground Nut Oil Cakes as Substrate


A moderately alkallophillic strain of Bacillus subtilis was isolated and comparative study on the production of extra cellular lipase by Solid State Fermentation (SSF) with various substrates has been evaluated. Different intends such as temperature, pH, different substrates and effect of incubation time of the medium were optimized for maximum yield. The maximum extracellular lipase activity of 4.5 units per gram of dry fermented substrates (Ug/ds) was observed with ground nut oil cake after 48 h of fermentation with 70% initial moisture content of the substrate and suitable growth of bacterial mass culture was for maximum yield of lipase at pH 8 was observed. Solid-state fermentation is a high recovery method for the production of industrial enzymes.
