  • 期刊

臺灣學生競爭意識與害怕失敗對數學素養關聯之探討:以PISA 2018資料為例

The Relationship among Competitiveness, Fear of Failure and Mathematical Literacy of Students in Taiwan-Based on PISA 2018 Data


在2018年「國際學生能力評量計畫(Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA)」的結果顯示,臺灣學生「害怕失敗」確為參與計畫國家之首。本研究利用PISA 2018年臺灣地區資料,旨在探討競爭意識與害怕失敗對數學素養之關聯。本研究分別以描述性統計、Pearson積差相關、潛在類別分析(Latent Class Analysis)及單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)進行資料分析,主要研究結論如下:(一)臺灣15歲學生大部分有害怕失敗之情形、(二)臺灣15歲學生之競爭意識、害怕失敗及數學素養皆達到顯著相關、(三)臺灣15歲學生競爭意識與害怕失敗以四類別模式為最佳的適配模式、(四)不同「競爭意識」與「害怕失敗」組型之臺灣15歲學生數學素養達顯著差異。最後提出研究建議,以作為後續研究之參考與應用。


"Failure is the mother of success." Teachers in Taiwan often encouraged students to face failure courageously and tried turning failure into a nutrient for growth; however, according to the consequence of the PISA 2018 exam, the performance in "Fear of Failure" of Taiwan students ranked first among the countries participating in the project. As discussed above, this study investigated the relationship between competitiveness, fear of failure and mathematical literacy of students in Taiwan, and the study was based on PISA 2018 data by using descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation, latent class analysis and One-way ANOVA. The result indicated that: 1) Most of the 15-year-old students in Taiwan were afraid of failure; 2) The Competitiveness, Fear of Failure and mathematical literacy of 15-year-old students in Taiwan were all significantly correlated; 3) Competitiveness and Fear of Failure divided into four categories were the best goodness of fit model; 4) The performance in mathematical literacy among 15-year-old students in Taiwan with different groups of "Competitiveness" and "Fear of Failure" were significant differences. In the end, this study put forward several related suggestions for reference and application of follow-up research.


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