  • 期刊


On the Aesthetics of Reception of Wang Wei's Painting Style from Tang to Wudai Dynasties And a study of using color words by Wang Wei


透過眼睛的傳達稱為「視覺傳達」(Visual Communication),而「色彩」作為人類視覺感知的重要因素,有著極為強烈的視覺語言,亦為視覺傳達一個非常重要的表現要素。反映到語言上時,就是語言符號中呈現之用色字詞,它不僅能 有力地表達作者情感,且是人們在一般美感經驗中最大眾化、最直捷的表達形式。唐代詩人王維本身集詩歌、繪畫、音樂、書法於一體,且無一不精、無一不深,在唐代恐無人能與之比肩。尤其是在繪畫方面,王維還自詡:「前身應畫師,不能捨餘習」(〈偶然作〉六首之六)。被後人推尊為「南宗之祖」的王維,從唐至五代對其畫風之接受闡釋為何?其在畫作與詩作二種創作載具所呈現之風格是否一致?其在詩歌中色彩字詞之運用是否相較其他詩人敏銳或佔有優勢?其詩中之用色字詞所欲傳達與營造何種審美情境?這些將是本文之研究重點。


視覺傳達 色彩 王維 接受理論


Communicating through the eyes called "visual communication". Color, as the primary element of human visual perception, has a very strong visual language. Color is also a very important expressive factor of visual communication. Reflected in language, color terms rendering of the linguistic symbol, as the most popular and direct form, they can not only express strong emotions, but also convey aesthetic experiences. Wang Wei was skilled in poetry, painting, music, calligraphy at one time, and was known as formidable around the Tang Dynasty. Especially in painting, Wang Wei boasted that he would be a painter in pre-existence, and his habitual behavior could not be changed. ( Ou Ran Zuo, 6-6 ) Wang Wei excelling in traditional Chinese painting was respected as 'the father of Nan Zong'. Was the art style consistent in his paintings and poems? Whether he was an advantage compared with other poets in using color terms? What aesthetic circumstances were conveyed and constructed through color terms in his poems? This article will explore these questions.


唐•李肇:《唐國史補》,收於《景印文淵閣四庫全書•子部341•小說家類》,臺北市:臺灣商務,1983 年。
唐•朱景玄:《唐朝名畫錄》,收於《景印文淵閣四庫全書》,臺北市:臺灣商務,1983 年。
唐•張彥遠:《歷代名畫記》,收於《景印文淵閣四庫全書》,臺北市:臺灣商務,1983 年。
孫昌武《禪思與詵情》,北京:中華書局,1997 年。
康丁斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)著、余敏玲譯:《藝術中的精神》(台北市:亯實文化行銷,2013 年)
