  • 期刊


The Conformal Property and Rhumb Line of Mercator Projection






The projection surface of the Mercator projection is a cylinder. Due to the nature of the rhumb line as a straight line on a map, Mercator projection has played an important role in human history. Although Mercator projection is conformal, angle preservation is limited to a small area. There are large angle deformities for large areas. In other words, the angle preservation property is only valid on a differential scale. Consequently, measuring an angle directly from a map using the Mercator projection or deriving the azimuth from the grid coordinates would have a significantly large error margin. One important aspect of the nature of the Mercator projection is that the rhumb line is a straight line on the map. However, the bearing of the rhumb line is not the same as the bearing of the shortest distance between two points on Earth's surface. This paper discusses the conformal property of the Mercator projection and the rhumb line. The differences between bearing and distance between the geodesic and rhumb line are also addressed. Examples demonstrate that the distances of rhumb line and geodesic are similar, but that the distance of the rhumb line computed from the grid coordinates of the Mercator projection is much longer.


