  • 期刊


Applying Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory to Explore the Self-Care Behaviors of University Students as Hepatitis B Carriers


背景 B型肝炎病毒是台灣地區慢性肝病最重要的危險因子,而B型肝炎帶原者得到肝癌的比率為非帶原者的100倍之多,所以瞭解B型肝炎帶原者的自我照顧行為及其相關因素是很重要的課題。 目的 應用Orem自我照顧缺失理論,探討桃園縣某大學B型肝炎帶原學生自我照顧行為及其相關因素與預測因子。 方法 採橫斷式相關性研究設計,以126位B型肝炎帶原學生為研究對象,使用結構式問卷收集資料。 結果 B肝帶原學生的自我照顧行為總量表標準化得分為73.44,次量表中標準化得分最高者為「菸酒嗜好」(91.50)及「使用藥物偏方」(91.17),另標準化得分最低者為「睡眠型態」(54.17)及「定期返診」(58.83),表示大部分的學生不使用菸酒、非處方藥物及保肝秘方,但是常熬夜、睡眠時數少以及執行定期檢查的比率偏低;此外,「自我照顧需求」為B肝帶原學生的自我照顧行為最重要的預測因子,其可解釋的變異量為29.4%,其次為「自我效能」及「B型肝炎知識」,共可解釋34.2%的變異量。 結論/實務應用 在護理實務方面,建議在大學校園執行B型肝炎帶原學生個案管理時,應推動定期檢查、有效時間管理及賦能式衛生教育等。此外,在研究方面,建議未來可以增加收案場所、採用縱向式研究設計,以及進一步測試問卷的信、效度。


Background: The hepatitis B virus is the most important risk factor of chronic liver diseases in Taiwan. Hepatitis B carriers have a 100-fold relative risk of developing liver cancer compared with non-carriers. Therefore, understanding the self-care behavior and related factors of hepatitis B carriers is important. Purpose: This study applied Orem's self-care deficit theory to investigate the self-care behaviors and related factors of hepatitis B carriers in one university located in Taoyuan County, northern Taiwan. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 126 college students with hepatitis B and collected data using structured questionnaires. Results: Results found standardized scores for student self-care behaviors of students to average 73.44. Highest standardized subscale scores for self-care behaviors were smoking-drinking habits (91.50) and taking folk medicine prescriptions (91.17). The lowest were sleeping patterns (54.17) and regular follow-up (58.83). These showed that the most students did not smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or take folk medicines, but often kept late hours and had a generally low level of regular medical follow-up. Self-care demand, which explained 29.4% of variance, was found to be the most important predictor of self-care behaviors profile. Other predictors included self-efficacy and knowledge of hepatitis B, which, between the two, explained 34.2% of variance. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: From the perspective of nursing practice, we suggested strategies to enhance regular follow-up, time management and health education empowerment for hepatitis B carriers studying at university. In addition, future studies should broaden the scope of research to include numerous sampling locations and use a longitudinal study. Lastly, measuring tool reliability and validity should be tested further.


