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The effects of 10-week light and heavy ball mixed training on the performance in young baseball players


目的:探討10週輕重球混合投擲訓練對青少年棒球選手的上肢肌力與投球表現之影響。方法:受試者為24位國中甲組棒球隊選手,分為混合組(正常球:145g;輕球:125g;重球:175g)與控制組(正常球:145g),進行10週每週三次的訓練。訓練前後測量上肢肌力(坐姿推鉛球擲遠能力、握力、指力)與投球表現(投擲球速、準度、擲遠能力與瞬間揮臂速度)。結果:10週訓練後混合組投球球速、擲遠能力以及瞬間揮臂速度均顯著進步(p < .05),其餘依變項則無顯著改變;控制組的所有依變項均無顯著進步或改變。結論:10週每週三次投擲不同重量棒球的混合訓練,對於體型、體能、技術正在發展中的青少棒選手,能顯著改善投擲速度、擲遠能力及投球出手瞬間揮臂速度,建議青少棒選手可進行輕、重球混合的訓練,以提升投球表現。


Purpose: To explore the effects of 10-week light and heavy ball mixed training on the upper limb muscle strength and pitching performance in young baseball players. Methods: The subjects were 24 middle school baseball players who were randomly assigned to the mixed group (normal ball: 145 g; light ball: 125 g; heavy ball: 175 g) and the control group (normal ball: 145 g) for 10 weeks each Training three times a week. Before and after training, the muscle strength of the upper limbs (the ability to throw shots in a sitting position, grip strength, and finger strength) and throwing performance (the speed of throwing the ball, accuracy, ability to throw the distance and instant arm swing speed) were measured. Results: After 10 weeks of training, the mixed group's pitching speed, throwing ability and instant arm swing speed all improved significantly (p<.05), and the other dependent variables did not change significantly; all dependent variables of the control group showed no significant improvement or change. Conclusion: The mixed training of throwing different weight baseballs three times a week for 10 weeks can significantly improve the throwing speed, the ability of throwing distance, and the speed of throwing the ball. It is recommended that young baseball players can practice mixed light and heavy ball training to improve their pitching performance.


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