  • 期刊


Characteristics of shoulder and trunk mobility of adolescent female volleyball players




過肩運動 性別 肩部傷害 柔軟度


Purpose: Repeated overhead movement could lead to an increase in external angle and decrease in internal angle of shoulder, and relaxation of anterior capsule, which may cause shoulder injuries. The purpose of this study is to compare the shoulder and trunk mobility of dominant and non-dominant side of the adolescent female volleyball players. Methods: 16 high school female volleyball players engage in this study. The range of motion of the shoulder and trunk of the dominant side and the non-dominant side was evaluated by using the joint goniometer, and the total range of shoulder rotation, the percentage of differences of internal and external rotation angle between dominant and non-dominant side, the percentage of difference between internal and external angle of same side, and the deficit of internal rotation angle was calculated. Dependent-samples t-test was used to analyze the difference of shoulder and trunk mobility between two sides. Results: Comparing the shoulder mobility of both limbs in high school female volleyball players, it was found that only in the angle of external rotation of dominant side was significantly larger than the non-dominant side, with no other differences between two sides. In addition, there was no significant difference in the range of motion of trunk rotation. The difference at internal rotation angle between two sides was 14.30 ± 27.18 %, at external rotation angle was -9.01 ± 12.54 %. The differences between internal and external rotation angle at the dominant side was 31.73 ± 39.69 %, and at the non-dominant side was 6.06 ± 30.08 %. Conclusions: The results showed that the external rotation angle of the shoulders on the dominant side of adolescent female volleyball players was significantly greater than that on the non-dominant side. It shows that healthy athletes have produced joint angles and soft tissue adaptations on the dominant side, while the range of motion of the trunk has no compensation. It is recommended to stretch the back of the shoulder joint and strengthen the shoulder muscles.


Overhead sports Gender Shoulder injury Flexibility


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