

於1993~2009年這16年間,歐洲存在一位女性殺手,這名殺手犯下40起案件,其中還涉及6件重大命案。歐洲媒體稱她為「無臉女人」(Woman Without a Face)或「海爾布隆幽靈」(Phantom of Heilbronn)。直到2009年,法國警方為了確認一名被燒燬的男性難民屍體的身分,才發現原來是採證棉花棒汙染所致,這個DNA汙染源其實來自一名棉花廠女工。在一連串案件中現場生物跡證遭到採證耗材中人類DNA汙染,導致警方誤判偵查方向,浪費許多時間、人力及物力。有鑒於此,國際標準組織(International Standards Organization, ISO)於2016年發布ISO18385。ISO 18385:2016規範主要目的係解決法醫鑑識領域有關耗材中可能存在人類DNA風險,製造商必須建立品質管理系統、人類DNA汙染風險管理、環境中人類DNA監控、對生產後處理之要求、對未經生產後處理產品之要求、產品包裝、標示及記錄等程序,製造商根據本標準生產的產品可以標示為「ISO 18385法醫DNA等級」。法醫鑑識實驗室應使用符合ISO 18385規範之耗材、試劑、化學藥品等。若無法採購符合ISO 18385規範耗材,也應採購無人類DNA殘留(Human DNA free)耗材。或許上述採購要求或處理方式成本較高,然而確有其必要性,因為若不這樣處理,可能還不知道有多少因試劑耗材汙染所造成的懸案或錯案,讓真正兇手逍遙法外,正義無法伸張,反而耗費更多社會成本。有關這類試劑耗材之要求,建議鑑識單位應儘早行動。德國的「海爾布隆案」就是給我們的最好借鏡。


During the 16 years from 1993 to 2009, there was a female killer in Europe. The killer committed 40 cases, including 6 major murders. European media called her "Woman Without a Face" or "Phantom of Heilbronn." It was not until 2009 that the French police found out that it was caused by cotton swab contamination in order to confirm the identity of a burned male refugee body. The source of DNA contamination actually came from a female who is cotton factory worker. In a series of cases, the on-site biological evidences were contaminated with human DNA in the consumables, which caused the police to misjudge the direction of the investigation and wasted a lot of time, manpower, and material resources. In view of this, the International Standards Organization (ISO) issued ISO 18385 in 2016. The main purpose of the ISO 18385:2016 standard is to address "Minimizing the risk of human DNA contamination in products used to collect, store, and analyze biological material for forensic purposes-Requirements." Manufacturers must establish quality management systems, human DNA contamination risk management, environmental human DNA monitoring, requirements for products subject to post-production treatment, requirements of products not subject to post-production treatment, product packaging, labelling, and documentation procedures. The products produced by manufacturers according to this standard can be labeled as "ISO 18385 Forensic DNA Grade." Forensic laboratories should use consumables, reagents, chemicals, etc. that comply with ISO 18385 standard. If forensic labs cannot purchase consumables that meet the ISO 18385 standard, the labs also purchase human DNA free consumables. Perhaps the above-mentioned procurement requirements or treatments methods are costly, but they are indeed necessary. If they are not handled in this way, it may not be known how many pending criminal or wrong cases caused by contamination of consumables. It will make the real murderer go unpunished and justice cannot be done. Instead, it consumes more social costs. Regarding the requirements for such reagents and consumables, it is recommended that forensic units should act as soon as possible. The "the Phantom of Heilbronn case" in Germany is the best lesson for us.


Gill P, Rowlands D, Tully G, Bastisch I, Staples T, Scott P: Manufacturer contamination of disposable plastic-ware and other reagents-an agreed position statement by ENFSI, SWGDAM and BSAG. Forensic Sci Int Genet 2010;4(4):269-70. doi:10.101 6/j.fsigen.2009.08.009
Wikipedia: Phantom of Heilbronn, 2020; Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_of_Heilbronn
Buchanan P: The Phantom of Hielbronn, 2013; Retrieved from http://www.crimemagazine.com/phantom-hielbronn
Himmelreich C: Germany’s phantom serial killer:a DNA blunder, 2009; Retrieved from http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1888126,00.html
