  • 期刊

「性研究」精選期刊之內容分析:以1990~2019年The Journal of Sex Rescarch為例

Content Analysis of Selected Journals on "Sex Research": Taking The Journal of Sex Rescarch From 1990 to 2019 as an Example


本研究追溯了The Journal of Sex Research以下稱《性研究期刊》於1990至2019年,30年中有關性議題的專業論述和研究進行內容分析。共蒐集1,412篇文章與研究,包含論述性文章、實證性文章及原創性研究文章。採擷質性研究法蒐集資料,以Excel統整及SPSS分析資料。將所蒐集到的文章與研究,編碼為六個類別,分別為:人類發展議題、關係議題、個人技巧議題、性行為議題、性健康議題及社會與文化議題。研究分析結果發現如下:(1)早期以性健康為主要研究主題,著重在性傳染病與愛滋病毒傳染;後期女性主義涉入挑戰性別刻板印象,性權抬頭,研究以社會與文化議題為首。(2)從《性研究期刊》被引用內容與投稿篇幅逐年增加,發現投入性研究相關議題之研究員對於文章更聚焦於性,以及研究方向不斷顛覆歷史且創新思維。(3)編碼迴歸分析:顯示人類發展議題、關係議題、個人技巧議題、性行為議題和社會與文化議題皆p < .05,於年代中有顯著的影響。(4)主題編碼分析趨勢:六大主題編碼顯示每個議題皆有成長化趨勢。(5)近10年以社會與文化議題大量崛起,論及「性權」,探討社會現象並檢討社會中「個人」的多樣性、性態度和行為,有不公平的差別待遇而研究。


This research traces the content analysis of The Journal of Sex Research from 1990 to 2019, in the 30 years of professional discussion and research on sexual issues. A total of 1,412 articles and researches were collected, including expositional articles, empirical articles, and original research articles. Collect data using qualitative research methods, integrate with Excel and analyze data with SPSS. The collected articles and research are coded into six categories, namely: human development issues, relationship issues, personal skills issues, sexual behavior issues, sexual health issues, and social and cultural issues. The results of the study and analysis found the following: (1) Early research focused on sexual health, focusing on sexually transmitted diseases and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections; later feminism involved in challenging gender stereotypes, and sexual power was on the rise. Research focused on social and cultural issues. (2) From the cited content of the journal and the length of the manuscripts increasing year by year, researchers who have found relevant research topics on input research are constantly subverting history and innovative thinking about the more focused and research direction of the articles. (3) Coding regression analysis: shows that human development issues, relationship issues, personal skills issues, sexual behavior issues, and social and cultural issues are all p < .05, which has a significant impact in the middle of the age. (4) Topic coding analysis trend: the six topic coding shows that each topic has a growing trend. (5) In the past 10 years, there have been a large number of social and cultural issues that have risen a lot, and people-oriented research has discussed "sex rights," exploring social phenomena and reviewing the society for the "individuals" existing in society. Sexual attitudes and behaviors are studied with unfair differential treatment.


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