  • 期刊


Promoting Calculus Problem-solving through Enhancement of Cooperative Learning Processes: An Action Research




This study aimed to explore how enhancing students' cooperative learning processes in calculus teaching affected mathematics students' calculus problem-solving performance, using an action research comprised of one semester teaching activities to 30 mathematics students taking a college-level calculus course. The data sources included learning logs of calculus problem-solving processes, students' learning journals, questionnaires on students' learning, and observation records on problem-solving. The findings were: 1. Students had difficulties solving problems cooperatively due to insufficient prior knowledge and abilities in calculus learning and problem-solving, including the basic definitions, concepts, properties and problem-solving methods of calculus. The operation and efficiency of their cooperative problem-solving was therefore affected. 2. Enhancing the cooperative learning processes was beneficial for students to solve calculus problems. Students improved their thought processes in calculus, developed a more active attitude towards problem-solving, and became more confident in problem-solving. 3. Enhancing the cooperative learning processes augmented students' metacognitive adjustment in calculus problem-solving, including self-monitoring, self-evaluation, self-correction. 4. Cooperative learning boosted peer-tutoring. In conclusion, we offer some suggestions for calculus teaching methods based on the results of the study.
