  • 期刊


Development of Demand Responsive Transit Service of Chunri Township in Pingtung


交通部公路局為解決非都會區公共運輸服務不足之問題、提升偏鄉地區公共運輸服務之便利性,進而增加民眾搭乘公共運輸之行為,於105年選定10大鄉鎮擴大推動需求反應式公共運輸(Demand Responsive Transit Service, DRTS)專案計畫,屏東縣春日鄉即為重要推動之南部偏鄉之一,其發展歷程具參考價值。本研究透過文本分析、焦點座談與深度訪談方式,從地方多元利害關係人對公共運輸服務之需求立場,了解春日鄉DRTS完整規劃過程。透過觀察所見、訪談結果及相關文本交叉歸納整理後發現:(一)在公共運輸服務需求立場上,鄉公所、縣政府、高雄區監理所與公路總局等政府機關,較注重居民交通可行性、便利性、公平性以及營運成本;而業者較注重營運成本效益;而地方鄉民代表則較注意運作可行性和預算支持度,並適時反映民眾需求;居民則注重搭乘費用;而在輔導團隊部分,則是作為公路總局、屏東縣政府與鄉公所間的溝通平台,協助DRTS的整體規劃。(二)春日鄉DRTS在整體規劃流程推動上,有別於過往偏鄉公共運輸服務規劃,主要是以地方訴求之『實際可用性』與『有效資源運用』等核心理念為基礎,透過「資料蒐集分析」、「模式及路線規劃」、「方案可行性評估」與「最終方案提出」等四個階段,歷經三場說明會及四場焦點座談會和地方利害關係人溝通,並輔以滾動式修正之方式,最終得以完成春日鄉DRTS規劃。(三)春日鄉DRTS考量運量需求及山區路況,是以中、小型巴士作為主要服務運具,搭配彈性需求與固定班次之方式,最終規劃出北力里線(N1)、北里公所線(N2)、力里國小線(N3)、南士文線(S1)、士文公所線(S2)與枋寮中學線(S3)等六條路線,除力里國小線運輸需求較高,每日提供六個固定時間班次外,其餘五個路線每日提供二個固定時間班次。


At 2016, Directorate General of Highways (DGH)of Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) implemented pilot project, which is Demand Responsive Transit Service (DRTS), to 10 townships to improve those suburbs public transportation service quality. The Chunri Township, located in the Pingtung county, is one of those 10 DRTS feasibility study township. This study presents the assessment and development process of DRTS in Chunri Townshipand makes recommendations for further researches. This study used qualitative, content, field research and in-depth interview method to collect data, and used "triangulation" to verify the data. A number of key findings were as followed: (1) Balance stakeholder competing demands: Government agencies, such as Pingtung County government and the Kaohsiung District Office of Supervision and General Administration of the Highway, paid more attention on DRTS's feasibility, convenience, fairness, and operating cost. The bus service operators expect higher profit but with lower operation cost. Local residents desire to have good service, trustworthy, flexible and intimate transport system. (2) Pragmatic DRTS planning: with core ideas of "effective resource utilization" and "policy feasibility", four stages are developed for implementing Chunri Township's DRTS, namely "data collection and analysis", "mode and route planning", "feasibility assessment for the program", and "final proposal". (3) Fit local want/ need: Our team set up middle and small size buses to fitChunri changeable mountain road conditions and low public transport demand. Six DRTS lines, N1, N2, N3, S1, S2, S3 were purposed for the Chunri township. N3, with 6 trips daily, to support high demand of primary school students, and five other bus lines offer 2 trips a day. From 2015 till now, the DRTS is still the milestone of public involvement in transportation project planning.
