  • 期刊


Evaluation on Alternative Habitat for Indicator Species of Reservoir Catchment


本文以規劃中之南化第二水庫為研究範圍,蒐集海拔、坡度、坡向、距水系距離、距道路距離與植生指標等6項環境因子資料,以臺灣獼猴、山羌與食蟹獴作為參考指標物種,採用最大熵值法建立物種的棲位分布模型與分布預測圖分析可能之替代性棲地,並利用ROC曲線(Receiver Operating Characteristic curve)之曲線下面積AUC(Area Under Curve)值進行驗證,確立物種分布預測圖中棲地環境利於物種生存。研究結果顯示,三個指標物種分布模式之AUC值皆大於0.7,表示模式的表現良好,預測結果具有可信度。本文研究結果顯示食蟹適宜的替代性棲地集中在龜仔頭坑、高水坑、大竹坑溪、大牛林坑、草人坑、後層坑等支流與甲仙林道;臺灣獼猴適宜的替代性棲地在龜仔頭坑、高水坑、酒槽坑、大竹坑溪、後層坑等支流與甲仙林道;山羌適宜的替代性棲地則分布在高水坑、酒槽坑、大竹坑溪、大牛林坑、後層坑等支流與甲仙林道。


This research takes under-planned Nanhua Second Reservoir as the study area. The six environmental factors are considered such as elevation, slope, aspect, distance from river, distance from road and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), as well as distribution information of indicator species Formosan macaque, Muntiacus reevesi micrurus and Herpestes urva formosanus. The maximum entropy method is used to establish the habitat distribution model and the distribution map of the species, and the AUC (Area Under Curve) value of ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve is used for model's verification. The study results show that the AUC value of the three indicator species distribution models are all greater than 0.7, indicating that the model performs well. The alternative habitat of the Herpestes urva formosanus is in Guitzutoukeng, Gaoshuikeng, Dazhukengshi, Daniulinkeng, Caorenkeng, Houcengkeng and Jiaxianlin forest road; the alternative habitat of the Formosan macaque is in Guitzutoukeng, Gaoshuikeng, Jiucaokeng, Dazhukengshi, Houcengkeng and Jiaxianlin forest road; the alternative habitat for the Muntiacus reevesi micrurus is in Gaoshuikeng, Jiucaokeng, Dazhukengshi, Daniulinkeng, Houcengkeng and Jiaxianlin forest road.


文化部國家文化資料庫網站 (2009) http://nrch.culture.tw/twpedia.aspx?id=7068。
徐嘉君(2007).利用生態棲位模擬 (Ecological Niche Modeling, ENM) 預測物種分佈模式及其於保育生物學上的應用.林業研究專訊.14(1),36.
