  • 期刊


Identification of Ziziphi Spinosae Semen by Pharmacognosy and Determination of Atractylodin by UPLC


酸棗仁(Ziziphi Spinosae Semen)為常用中藥之一,中華中藥典收載之基原為鼠李科植物酸棗Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge)Hu ex H. F. Chou的乾燥成熟種子。大陸近年抽樣調查發現,市場近半數以上用其同屬植物滇棗仁Z. mauritiana Lam.種子混充酸棗仁使用,雖同為棗屬(Ziziphus)植物,但其外觀、組織及成分含量有明顯差異,應予區別。有鑑於此,本研究以生藥學、薄層層析法及極致效能液相層析法,建立酸棗仁及滇棗仁之鑑別方法,並進行市售本基原之鑑定。結果顯示,50件檢體中,32件(64%)為正品Z. jujuba,18件(36%)誤用,誤用品皆為滇棗仁,市售酸棗仁誤用情形嚴重,應詳加鑑別。本實驗之極致效能液相層析法係採用Acquity BEH C18 2.1mm×100mm,1.7μm管柱,流動相為乙腈-水溶液,利用線性梯度沖提,檢測波長為203nm。指標成分1.酸棗仁皂苷A(jujuboside A)、2. 酸棗仁皂苷B(jujuboside B)及3. 斯皮諾素(spinosin)其線性迴歸方程式分別為1:Y = 5.124X-0.003(r^2 = 0.9999);2:Y = 6.151X-0.0043(r^2 = 0.9999);3:Y = 57.642X-0.022(r^2 = 0.9999),呈良好線性關係。同日間(Intraday)相對標準偏差分別為1:0.246-0.315%;2:0.228-0.788%;3:0.205-0.302%,異日間(Interday)相對標準偏差分別為1:0.335-0.953%;2:0.190-0.853%;3:0.080-0.241%。市售32件酸棗仁藥材,利用上述極致效能液相層析法分析其含量,分別為1:0.013-0.080%;2:0.002-0.063%;3:0.041-0.1040%間。


The botanical origin of Ziziphi spinosae Semen is dried semen of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chou. Because of the morphological similarities of Ziziphus species, alternatives and adulterants were found and reported in literatures. In order to identify the botanical origins of commercial Ziziphi spinosae Semen in Taiwan, 50 samples, purchased from market, were examined and compared with authentic materials by morphology, microscopy, thin layer chromatographic analysis and ultra performance liquid chromatography. Identification approaches were thus established in this study and applied to identify botanical origins of samples. The results showed that 32 of 50 samples (64%) were Z. jujuba and 18 samples (36%) were Z. mauritiana.Jujuboside A, B and spinosin in crude drugs were examined by ultra performance liquid chromatography. Samples were analyzed on a 1.7 μm ACQUITY BEH C18 reversed phase column with a gradient elution using various proportion of 0.01% H3PO4 and CH3CN as mobile phase and monitored at 203 nm. Regression equations revealed the linear relationship with correlation coefficients of 0.9999 between the peak-area ratios of jujuboside A, B and spinosin to internal standard and concentrations in crude drugs. The relative standard deviations of jujuboside A(1) , B(2) and spinosin(3) ranged between 1: 0.246-0.315%; 2: 0.228-0.788%; 3: 0.205-0.302% (intraday) and 1: 0.335-0.953%; 2: 0.190-0.853%; 3: 0.080-0.241% (interday), respectively. The contents of the jujuboside A, B and spinosin in 32 crude Z. jujuba were 0.013-0.080%、0.002-0.063% and 0.041- 0.1040%, respectively.


陳奕均(2013)。雷公根和酸棗仁之有效成分對 Aβ 造成神經損傷之保護作用〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.00324
