  • 期刊


Investigation of Heavy Metals in Tobaccos


本研究採用密閉式微波消化法前處理,以銠(Rh)為內部標準品,配合感應耦合電漿質譜儀檢測,建立菸品中鉻、鎳、砷、硒、鎘、汞及鉛等重金屬含量分析方法。結果顯示,各種重金屬之標準曲線濃度範圍0.1-25ng/mL,其相關係數達0.999以上;於檢體中添加0.2μg/g鉻、鎳、砷、硒、鎘、汞及鉛等重金屬之平均回收率皆在84.2-110.7%。準確度分析以標準參考品NIST 1568a rice flour及NIST 1515 apple leave得到驗證。以建立之方法分析51件菸品檢體,鉻之含量範圍為1.33-4.13 μg/g、鎳之含量範圍為1.60-6.79 μg/g、砷之含量範圍為0.13-0.59 μg/g、硒之含量範圍為0.10-1.20 μg/g、鎘之含量範圍為0.46-2.42 μg/g、汞之含量範圍為ND-0.053 μg/g、鉛之含量範圍為0.44-3.38 μg/g。


The analytical method for metallic elements in tobacco was developed in order to determine the levels of chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As), selenium (Se), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in tobacco by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with microwave digestion. The internal standards of rhodium (Rh) were selected. The calibration was ranging from 0.1 to 25 ng/mL and the coefficient was greater than 0.999. The recovery studies were performed at 0.2 μg/g spike levels of Cr, Ni, As, Se, Cd, Hg and Pb in tobacco. The average recoveries were in the range of 84.2 to 110.7%. Accuracy of the established method was also validated by analyzing the standard reference materials, NIST 1568a rice flour and NIST 1515 apple leave. Fifty-one tobacco samples were collected from the markets and surveyed with metals: 1.33-4.13 μg/g for Cr, 1.60-6.79 μg/g for Ni, 0.13-0.59 μg/ g for As, 0.10-1.20 μg/g for Se, 0.46-2.42 μg/g for Cd, ND-0.053 μg/g for Hg and 0.44-3.38 μg/g for Pb.


tobacco heavy metals ICP/MS
