  • 期刊


Overview on Compliance of Sanitation and Safety Management of Canning Factories from 2017 to 2019


罐頭食品係屬高度專業技術之加工方式,更顯製程衛生與安全管理之重要。食品藥物管理署自106年度至108年度聯合地方政府衛生局共同完成查核152家次罐頭食品工廠,依食品安全衛生管理相關規範,特別研析食品業者登錄資訊、產品包裝標示及食品良好衛生規範準則(Good Hygiene Practice for food, GHP)之查核結果,顯示食品業者登錄資訊及產品包裝標示之初查符合比率皆已達八成,惟106年度及107年度於GHP之初查符合比率低於五成,初查常見缺失於GHP罐頭專章規範為殺菌工作報告缺漏紀錄及殺菌方法重要因子控管不足,經地方政府衛生局限期改正後,多數業者皆已複查合格,而仍不符規定業者,已依法處辦直至改善完竣。續經衛生機關持續查驗之下,可見108年度整體法規之初查符合比率呈現上升趨勢,復依受稽工廠規模分析各項法規符合概況,顯見資本額1億元以上者於整體衛生管理表現最佳,而資本額未達3千萬元者於GHP之初查符合比率最差,後續可將稽查量能與輔導資源挹注於資本額未達3千萬元之罐頭食品工廠,並納入各項初查常見缺失於稽查與輔導重點,以提升罐頭食品工廠自主管理層次及效益。


Canning industry involves high expertise, thus indicating the importance of sanitation and safety management. From 2017 to 2019, Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) and the local health bureaus have inspected 152 canning factories. According to the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, the compliance of the regulations on the registration, food labeling and good hygiene practice (GHP) was specifically analyzed. The results showed the compliance rate of the registration and food labeling during initial inspections has reached higher than 80%, whereas the compliance rate of initial inspections of GHP was less than 50% in 2017 and 2018. The major non-compliances of canned food chapters in GHP were deficient in sterilization records and important controlled factors for sterilization. The non-compliance has been followed up with affected factories by the local health bureaus. Factories with violations were penalized according to the provisions of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation. Under continuous inspection programs by government, the compliance rate of overall initial inspections presented an uptrend in 2019. Furthermore, it shows that canning factories with capital above 100 million performed the best in overall management, and those with capital below 30 million have the worst compliance rate during the initial inspections of GHP. The TFDA inspection plan can focus on the canning factories with capital less than 30 million in future, and try to improve the self-management level of canning factories by offering guidance concerning the major non-compliances during inspection.
