  • 期刊


Introduction of the Food Safety and Sanitation Management System on Eggs and Egg Products of the United States


美國聯邦法規(Code of Federal Regulations, CFR)為美國聯邦法規彙編,第9章第590分節(9 CFR 590)、第21章第B節(21 CFR B)以及蛋品檢查法(Egg Products Inspection Act, EPIA),規範美國蛋及蛋製品從農場至消費者端之食品安全衛生管理;美國政府機關間由隸屬美國農業部(U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA)的動植物健康檢查署(Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, APHIS)、食品安全檢查署(Food Safety and Inspection Service, FSIS)及農業行銷署(Agricultural Marketing Service, AMS),以及美國衛生及公共服務部食品藥物管理局(U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA),四大政府機關間跨部會互相協調、溝通及分工管理蛋及蛋製品之安全衛生。以加工層次來看,蛋雞場之禽類動物疾病管制與管理係由農業部APHIS管理,蛋雞場及殼蛋之環境、化學物殘留與微生物監測係由衛生部門之FDA管理,特別著重沙門氏桿菌(Salmonella enteritidis, SE)預防管制,而液蛋工廠及乾燥蛋製品工廠之安全衛生管理係由農業部FSIS管理,即食蛋製品及含蛋製品之安全衛生管理又係由FDA管理,並且與農業部AMS簽署備忘錄(Memorandum of Understanding, MOU),由AMS執行殼蛋分級制度及蛋製品出口驗證制度之業者自願性參加計畫,驗證產品須符合安全衛生規定。政府機關以不定期稽查或以官方派駐人員在蛋製品加工廠方式,監督與稽查業者以落實蛋品檢查法、美國聯邦法規9 CFR 590之蛋品及蛋製品安全衛生管理,或美國聯邦法規21 CFR B之食品安全衛生相關規定,並依據國家監測計畫執行採樣與監測化學物及微生物暨環境污染物殘留,出口蛋品及蛋製品須經官方驗證符合相關規定以及符合輸入國規定時,官方始簽發出口證明文件。


The United States (The U.S.) announces the Egg Products Inspection Act (EPIA) to regulate the food safety and sanitation on eggs and egg products. Four major government agencies, namely the USDA AHPIS, FSIS, AMS and FDA, coordinate and communicate with each other to manage the food safety and sanitation on eggs and egg products from farm to table. From the processing level, APHIS is responsible for the control and management of the animal disease on poultry; FDA is responsible for the environment and microorganism monitoring on barn and shell eggs especially the prevention of Salmonella enteritidis (SE); FSIS is responsible for the safety and sanitation management on liquid egg products and dried egg products, FDA is responsible for the safety and sanitation management on ready to eat egg products and the products containing eggs. FDA cooperates with AMS via the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that AMS conducts the program of shell eggs grading and "Processed Eggs and Egg Products Export Verification Program (PEEPEV)," which are voluntarily attended by food business operators to verify the food safety and sanitation. The government agencies supervise the food business operators to comply with the food safety and sanitation on eggs and egg products in EPIA, 9 CFR part 590 and 21 CFR B via random audit or enter and be stationed in the factories. The government agencies also take samples and monitor residues of the chemicals, microorganisms and environmental pollutants. The export certificates are issued only when the eggs and egg products are compliant with all the domestic regulations and the requirements of the importing counties.
