  • 期刊


Introduction of Food Business Operators Proactive Notification


為貫徹消費者保護及業者自主管理,「食品業者主動通報」之概念應運而生。國際間發展較為成熟之通報系統包含美國「工業界可通報之食品登錄系統」(Reportable Food Registry for Industry, RFR)及歐盟「食品及飼料快速預警系統」(Rapid Alert System For Food and Feed, RASFF)。我國為推動食品業者主動通報機制,衛生福利部於102年修正食品安全衛生管理法(下稱食安法)第7條,明定業者於發現產品有危害衛生安全之虞時,應通報衛生主管機關;衛生福利部食品藥物管理署並於107年1月訂定「食品業者主動通報作業程序」、3月建置「食品業者主動通報專區」,使我國通報作業更為完備。透過食品業者主動通報機制的實施,除使業者善盡企業社會責任及義務,自律性落實自主管理;亦能使衛生機關快速掌握訊息,即時處置,完善保障民眾飲食安全及消費權益。


In order to implement consumer protection and food business operators (FBOs) self-management, the concept of "Food Business Operators Proactive Notification" came into being. Internationally well-developed notification systems include the US's "Reportable Food Registry for Industry" and the EU's "Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed". To promote the proactive notification mechanism to FBOs, Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) amended article 7 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation in 2013, which the FBOs shall immediately report to the competent authority upon discovery of incidents that may be harmful to food sanitation and safety. Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (hereinafter referred to as TFDA) announced the "Operating Procedure for Proactive Notification of Food Business Operators" in January 2018, and established the "Proactive Notification Area for Food Business Operators" in March 2018 to complete the notification operation in Taiwan. Through the implementation of the proactive notification mechanism, FBOs can fulfill the corporate social responsibilities and obligations, and enhance self-management capability. In addition, this mechanism enables competent health authority to notify and handle related information in a timely manner, and to improve the protection of food safety and consumer rights.

