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The Investigation on the Performance of Tayao Yizhen in Tainan




踏謠 歌舞 藝陣 小戲 車鼓


Tainan is a city where folk arts are very much cherished; in addition, it is full of religious activities, and people are enthusiastic about participating ceremonial performances; thus, some traditional folk arts are still lively kept. After I have done much field research and visitations of Yizhen troupes which preserve folk songs and dances, I have deeply felt that the reason why traditional arts could be preserved and passed on is due to some enthusiasts who are capable and passionate, and actively manage and organize everything about folk art troupes. This paper will firstly begin by discussing three performing styles of Yizhen songs and dances in Tainan, including (1) a Xiaoxi incorporating songs and dances to represent or impersonate some roles (Dai-yan); (2) a performance that musicians sing lyrics and play the music to tell the story plot, and many performers dance on the stage simultaneously. In the meantime, there are one or two performers impersonating and narrating onstage; (3) a Tayao (a performance with only songs and dances) without impersonation and with musicians singing lyrics and playing the music to tell the story plot, and meanwhile performers dancing onstage. Secondly, Xiao-xi-qun (a pack of Xiaoxi) will be analyzed. It is a serial performing structure, which a list of repertoire as well as songs and dances with different story content are connected together to become a show. The plot will also be arranged creatively. Thirdly, the paper will also discuss how singing and dancing Yizhen has been passed on and taught, including teaching and learning among family members, senior members teaching new members, or inviting teachers to instruct. Lastly, the paper will illustrate the ecology and distribution of Tayao Yizhen troupes in Tainan. This paper is based on the materials that have been acquired from field investigation for many years to explore the performing types, features and ecology of Tayao Yizhen in Tainan, and hopefully it might be a helpful reference for the related researchers and the government.


Tayao Songs and dances Yizhen Xiaoxi Chegu


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