  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Applicability of Chinese Textbooks from the Results of SmartReading® Test-Taking Grade 7 L1 Learners from Two School Years in an International School in Taiwan as an Example


細探臺灣國際學校的學習者背景,可發現越來越多母語為中文的臺灣學生進入國際學校就讀。各國際學校在篩選臺灣學生的母語教材方面眾說紛紜,有使用自編教材的,但品質良莠不齊;有直接使用臺灣教育部審定教材的,但因學習時數有限,故以「降級數」策略來符合學習者需求。然而,級數應降至何種程度,方能符合在國際學校就讀的臺灣學生學習母語的需求?這些臺灣學生之母語閱讀能力究竟如何?如何提升其學習成效?乃研究者欲探究的議題。本研究以臺灣某國際學校(以A校稱之)2019至2020與2020至2021學年度兩屆共73位七年級母語為中文之學習者(以母語學習者稱之)為例,透過分析其參與國立臺灣師範大學研發之SmartReading®適性閱讀平台所提供的「中文閱讀能力診斷評量」(Diagnostic Assessment of Chinese Competence,簡稱DACC)之前、後測結果,與A校教師自南一出版社國文標準化測驗題庫篩選題目所製成之期初、期末學習成就測驗成績比較,以分析A校母語學習者在字詞辨識、表層文意理解、文意統整、推論理解及分析評鑑等閱讀五向度之能力,進而探究A校中文教材選用與學習成效之關聯性。研究結果有二:(1)A校母語學習者所使用之中文教材可能過於艱深,宜降兩級;(2)A校母語學習者之中文學習時數與閱讀能力呈低度相關,未來研究宜考量其他因素。此外,在分析A校母語學習者之閱讀難點後,提出母語為中文之學習者的閱讀增能方向。


Recently, the number of students with different language backgrounds is increasing in the international schools in Taiwan. It is essential to choose a suitable Chinese textbook for those students is essential. However, there are different opinions on the selection of textbooks for the L1 learners in the international schools. Some use self-edited textbooks, but their qualities are various, and some use textbooks accredited by the Ministry of Education. Due to the limited study hours, the strategy of degrading the level is adopted to meet the learners' needs. The questions are: how low should the level degrade to meet the needs of the L1 learners in the international schools? What are the reading abilities of these learners? How can teachers improve the effectiveness of Chinese learning for them? These are the issues that the researcher aims to explore. This study takes 73 Grade 7 L1 learners who study at an international school in Taiwan, which is called School A in this article, as an example. The researcher analyzes two kinds of tests that the learners took during the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years: (1) the pre- and post-test results of the "Diagnostic Assessment of Chinese Competence" (DACC) in SmartReading® platform, developed by Taiwan Normal University and (2) the Nanyi Chinese Standardized Tests. The study compares these two tests to analyze the learners' reading abilities in the five dimensions: word recognition, textual understanding, textual integration, inference-making, analysis and evaluation. The study also uses the results to examine the correlation between the selected Chinese textbook and the learning outcomes. In addition, the overall reading comprehension ability in Chinese provided by DACC is compared with the reading norm scores of the seventh-grade learners in Taiwan's education system, in order to predict the reading difficulties L1 learners might encounter in international schools and propose ways to enhance the reading ability for L1 learners in international schools. There are two findings: (1) the textbooks used in School A may be too difficult and should be downgraded by two levels and (2) the correlation between learning hours and learners' reading ability is quite low. Based on the findings about the reading difficulties of the L1 learners in School A, some suggestions for reading enhancement are made.


