  • 期刊

Benefits of a Body-Focused- Experience Facilitation Technique in Camps with Disadvantaged Young People


The purpose of this study is to introduce the effects of a recreation camp program on the self-concept of the young people with social and behavioral problems. In the last years each summer University of West Hungary and AIS Youth Service Organization have been organizing camps for young people with different type of disadvantages. Beside the general camp organizing methods we introduced a new experience based therapy method, called Body Functions Therapy Model (BFTM). Within one week program we offered a special location, recreation activities like excursions, playing sports to enjoy the aesthetic environment, and physical movements, cooking special food to experience the different taste of the nutrition, teaching and experiencing different type of massage etc. to experience the positive changes of their perception abilities. The evaluation process included interviews, participant observation of the process in the field. One of the results of the program was, that young people became aware about their main abilities, the reasons, why they could enjoy the program, what lifestyle models they can adopt for their daily routines, when they get home. In the evaluation interview participants gave the highest ranks for the benefits, which they gained during the program.


recreation camp body functions human senses
