  • 期刊

Crossing Flourishing and Boredom to Understand Optimal Leisure Experience in Adolescence: A New Approach


Nowadays, adolescence is one of the foremost contemporary topics in psychological literature, and leisure is one of the most significant life contexts/activities/experiences adolescents deal with in daily life. Though, understanding the match between leisure and adolescents' development to improve healthy and meaningful lives is still an open debate. The present article discusses the interplay between adolescence, leisure experience, flourishing and boredom, sharing a new approach to understand leisure experience and its role in adolescents' lives. For this, we present a crossed relation between a continuum of low-high flourishing experience and low-high boredom experience, discussing their interception and related outputs expressed in terms of four styles of leisure experience: optimal leisure experience; challenging leisure experience; apathy leisure experience; and risky leisure experience. These four leisure experience types, being conceptually organized, open new and insightful directions for future leisure studies. Besides, give new inputs about the role of optimal leisure experience to promote positive development, showing the importance of integrating several experiences that co occur in adolescents' daily lives.
